Thursday, August 26, 2010

worth waking up to

growing and changing

last night i spent some time with my best friend
we caught up and chatted and laughed and it was just.. comfortable
its something we haven't done in a while
and its something we both needed.
after a bit, with friends,
you begin to ease up a little.
not entirely, just enough that you don't have a grip on things
or not as good as you used to.
even if friendships seem water tight, which they most likely are
you still have to work on it,
work for it..
work at it.
never get too comfortable, never let things slip away
its the little every day things
checking in and simple hellos
hugs and reminders that you are important to one another.
truth is scary and changes are impossible to wrap your head around sometimes
but its worth it.
friends that stick around despite it all?
are worth it.

peaceful easy feeling

want it?

totally cliche, but you're cute as a button

its in your hands now

cupcake thief

you know, i can bake really well.
especially cupcakes. and peanut butter & toblerone cookies.
but its so impossible not to sample the batter/icing. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

not for the faint hearted

i can't seem to locate
where you end and i begin
in this crazy thing
sparks are for the faint hearted
and what we have here
is clearly a beautiful disaster
i dream of you everywhere
your voice always manages to complete the silence
and fill the spaces
your breath is feather light across my skin
as you whisper
"this will never work"
in this tug of war we will never come clean
there is no winning
when we both want to lose
let down these walls and cross the line
its a game and its dangerous
and we've got bigger things at stake
than mere affection and innocence
this is a storm on the horizon
this is when we need a lifeline
but i've never felt so alive.

welcome home

set me free

i can relate to this feather in many ways
this is a beautiful scene, a gorgeous background.. light and dark in a million places
but its caught. it looks beautiful from the outside. where would it land if it was free?


the bigger picture


sun setting on a favorite place

this is literally, my backyard.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

bound to hurt you

a girl and a boy approached each other curiously. seen from the corner of each others eyes, they tiptoed softly until they reached a standstill. the boy took one step and proclaimed "hello". the girl eyed him curiously, taken by his beauty, but stayed where she was. in moments, she replied "hello". the boy watched her in seeming awe. she took a step closer and asked "what makes you, you?". the boy took two steps then and answered honestly "i'm beginning to think it's you." the girl smiled and slid closer again. he said, "why do you want to know?" she leaned in, almost touching, and replied "because i care".

the dreamer

Friday, August 13, 2010

out of reach

this summer is changing me
for better or worse, time will tell
reality makes its way to the front of my mind
and i'm taking my time, with most everything
its calm, its unbelievable
that i could ever feel this way about life
this summer is completely about simple happiness
like waking up with the sun
and driving with the windows down
and realizing just how lucky i am

Saturday, August 7, 2010

always remember me

lately i've been dreaming
of sandcastles and secret coves
that would house our whispers.
things that we don't
a place
that would be just ours
the waves lulling the words
to our lips
the truth, a welcome guest
but the only other.
i've been dreaming of driftwood
mangled from the sea
but in our eyes its beautiful
so, so beautiful.
in this dream its so easy,
everything is effortless
and it seems quite impossible.
in this very same dream
the sunlight rises and falls
and we're always
we're waking up slow in
familiar places
where the mountains rush to meet the sea
its simple happiness.
and when the dream disappears
a trick of light, a curtain of smoke
a vanishing act
its still impossibly beautiful.