Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the sound of white.

this morning i woke up like
nothing. slept in a little, but
attended school.
talked to my friends.
my heart and mind,
were not with me today.
they were with the family,
the friends of Taylor Mitchell.
as a Cape Breton Highlands National Park employee
i say it came as such a shock.
i would just like to put out a shout
a prayer to the beautiful Taylor Mitchell

her passing comes as a suddency
soon before our expectancy
a whisper, a brush by, echoing reality
the dust, the end the finality.

the beauty, the music
the love, the strife
the angels sang for you
in this life.

i didnt know you,
but my heart is with you and your family.
in this tragic time.

Monday, October 26, 2009

foy vance.

you have to understand,
that i love music. i think it touches the soul and takes the breath away
and makes memories a little more permanent.
so if you've ever heard foy vance and listened to 5 seconds of either one of his songs
you'll understand
what i mean when i say "wow"
simply, "wow".
indiscriminate act of kindness, gabriel & the vagabond, and two shades of hope
are three of my favorites (if its possible to have favorites)
gabriel & the vagabond was my first impression, the story of a homeless man with the same idea as the pay-it-forward chronicles.
two shades of hope, from what i can tell, is about cancer.
and indiscriminate act of kindness, well everyone can relate.

download him. listen to that voice. listen to those words.
he knows what hes talkin about.

the girl that smiles.

it's a half life.

one last showdown.

favorite picture ever.

i knew that i'd get like this again.

free to fall.

the dust has only just begun to fall.

not now but soon.

sweethearts on strings.

movie star on scene.

it's driving me mad.

helena bonham carter photoshoot.

the best pies in london.

everything in moderation.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

lovers by midnight.

i've found reason to use my words
bathed in streetlight,
our breath slow
our heartbeat quiet
scared but unafraid, to dance with our demons
the hum of other people
fading away,
means something to the passing world,
street light lover.
as i stroll away,
with my heart drumming,
you'll watch with deep eyes
and stolen breath.
until we meet again
you'll be wandering in and out of my black and white dreams
the only thing in color,
and i'll never understand why.

to josh,
and our excellent meeting.
best friends always.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

dedication to kelsey b., for her love of barns that matches mine.

please, notice the rain.

glass heart.

a pulse races,
a crack paces
spiderwebs in glass
falling apart slowly and painfully,
until you are pieced back together
or broken
beyond repair.
i can't fix you
but i never believed i could.
i can't make you need me,
the way i needed you.
haven't you said enough already?
stand in line to get your words out
this is unfamiliar ground.
the masquerade halts,
& your words are revealed.
showing me the truth i allowed to hurt me
we do that for those we love.
bask in the glory, star of the show
but it must be lonley
your stage only holds
one spotlight.

poetry in stillness.

i will marry holden caulfield.

to my haunted memory.

..without the other :]

can't have one..

and now, a tribute to halloween.. scaredy cat?

a tribute to rainbows, and my luck.

to kelsey, if you're reading.

reflections like glass.


appropriate lightbulb moment.

quiet the poet,
he has too much to say.
his beautiful words,
reach farther than destruction,
dig deeper than trenches,
hit harder than bullets.
reach the ears of those
screaming to be heard.
over the din, listen,
hear them.
you still can.

innocent souls,
cover the eyes of the children,
there's too much to see.
haven't they seen it all?
hands fall away to our sides,
our eyes filling,
because our hearts are too full.
you can't get it back.

inquiring minds,
ruthless hunters devouring
what can't be explained.
a little light of hope,
drawn like moths to the flame.
plunged into darkness,
light it again.

we're ridding the world of mystery,
but no one owns the stars.

waiting on the world to change.

you could have it all, my empire of dirt.

expression is only silent if you let it be.

my life is whatever i choose.

another sun soaked season fades away.

title and registration.

okay, so the story is,
i started taking pictures about a year ago, with a little hp camera.
i then upgraded to a fuji, and now i'm a hardcore nikon lover.
pictures were just something i always found so emotional,
and according to some, i'm a very emotional person.
so we just connected, i guess.
anyways, i knew i could never be a writer..
i'd always be afraid people would interpret my stories/poems/songs
the wrong way.
but photography..
what you see is what you get.
the bare truth.
you see what i see. its pretty much why i love it.
you're honestly getting a little piece of me every time.
so for those of you wondering,
that is why i do this.

smiles for haley.

i love you with all of my world, little man.

my knuckles are bruised from knockin' on wood.

supppp blogga's!

oh, i figured i know you well enough now to share some rarely-written poetry.
have you ever loved winter? you can relate, if so.

dawn comes silently,
wandering along the horizon like a dying fire.
dusty and worn,
whispering to my sleepless dreams,
twisting the handle of my worn out door,
time to welcome the rush,
caressing my face,
the familiar smell of
hush, now.
he's almost here.
just a whisper, that's all we get
in this life,
"i'm coming home."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


where the wild things are.

so recently, i've rediscovered my iron & wine love.
and it's like a, pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheescake, stand outside your window with a radio over my head, kind of way.
i'm obsessed.
aware of it.

love and some verses you hear,
say what you can't say,
love to whisper in your ear,
"i'll love you that way."

Monday, October 19, 2009