Saturday, May 15, 2010

open your eyes, its time to see if you still believe, in me.

it's a funny thing.
if you find someone in your life,
that makes you happy,
why not go the extra mile to keep them around?
we are all unique,
there are people that are similar,
people who are somewhat alike,
but there are no two people that are the same.
so why would we ever
be so foolish to assume,
that walking away from these people,
we would come back to find them standing in the same place
we left them?
people move and
people change and we can't stop them
but we can keep our grip
because if we let go we might not get it back.
at the end of the day,
can we really walk away from "that" person-
who makes us undoubtedly and infinitely happy
knowing there is no one else in the world like them?
maybe we are made for some people
maybe we there are people out there who are made for us.
and at the end of the day,
it can be stolen, it can be taken away
or it can be given and made,
and maybe the only sure thing we know is that
happiness is all that counts-
at the end of the day.


  1. Hails. It's beautiful... we think so much alike... it's crazy : )

  2. kiddo, i seriously love you & your words. you seriously make my life complete. you are an amazing writer and you are going far in life with WHATEVER you choose to do, know this.
    <3 xoxxx
