Thursday, July 22, 2010

happiest girl

(photo credit to cyril macphee)

"I've always been good with words, but I get frustrated when words aren't enough- and I find most times they aren't. When I picked up a camera, there wasn't an instant connection and I'll never pretend there was. It was gradual and it took a long time.. and it may seem silly but it took trust. The camera communicates what I'm feeling before I can put a name to it. Its always one step ahead and I love that feeling."

- haley macphee (when someone asked why i take pictures)

ps. look closely, thats me sitting up there.


  1. I would very much like to paint this???

  2. This is Panoramicheart. I'm sorry, who is this? And I don't mind :) Go ahead!

  3. I assumed you could see my address when I made comments. I'll use my name from now on!!!

  4. Haha I would love nothing more than for you to paint this!! <3 - Hails
