Wednesday, October 13, 2010

and i'll find strength in pain, and i will change my ways

tonight i wished on ten shooting stars.
i realize when you make wishes it is forever the rule that you aren't supposed to tell what you've wished for.. but its my belief its okay to tell if what you've wished for isn't a secret.
my wishes aren't secret at all
they are ten simple things that i wish for every day
wish one is happiness. not to have it without effort, not to force it.. to find it, to be blessed with it.. to be blessed with a million opportunities to stumble upon it. to have it brighten life.. to have it be appreciated.
wish two is love. whether it come easily, effortlessly.. whether i have to fight for it and work for it every day, in every aspect and every way i wish to be able to love.
wish three is faith.. and to have it. even at the worst of times, the lowest of moments. and if i lose sight, to find it again. speaking of..
wish four is balance. to find light in darkness, and vice versa.
wish five is laughter. i realize this relates to happiness. but even when i'm not happy- and even afterwards, to be able to find a little humor in most situations is a great ability.
wish six is luck. whether i be with or without it.. to have a little of it here and there.
wish seven is the big one: strength, and nothing to do with physical strength. i wish to be emotionally strong- to be able to admit i'm wrong, to be able to apologize, to be able to take the fall for the things i have done, and instead turn them into something good. to be humbled for mistakes i make.
wish eight is acceptance- whatever it may be. to rarely take for granted- to realize when i am doing so and be given the chance to change. acceptance to other people- to be understanding and forgiving, in hopes of the same in return.
wish nine is friendship. to be able to have many of them, to be able to be a great friend- to be able to be depended on, be a comfortable place for someone to fall. to be trusted.
and wish ten.. is life. all of it, every aspect, good and bad. the worst of the worst, and best of the best, to love it all. to cry and laugh when necessary, to be able to smile through it all. to never be alone.. to love and be loved, appreciate and be appreciated. to live big, to make mistakes and fulfill dreams. to regret nothing.

ten simple wishes. ten falling stars. no secrets. these days aren't easy- these ten things are getting me through. and i expect if i can see clearly, if i can be reminded of these ten things when need be, but to keep them close each and every day. i am so thankful to be aware.

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