Saturday, October 16, 2010

mums the word

How does one go about writing a song? (Yes, proper writing this time.. supplies!)
This question being, shall we say, "on the table"- along with wasted sheets of paper and many, many words- let us keep in mind that I am a musicians daughter. I am not going about this without experience, or musical ability, or even someone to help out.
I am simply asking- how do you write a song?
I am a writer, I would like to think. I am a photographer, and a musician, and most recently- someone who sketches and draws on notepads and napkins. Yet the thought of writing a song boggles me. (I really did just say boggles).
Maybe its because I can't sort out my thoughts to begin with (thats where you come in, blog!).
I know of love, I know of life, and I know of a place I love to live. This is a recipe for a song- and there are a million melodies out there to suit it.. but the words won't come.
Now that this problem is, as we said, "on the table", I will resume said songwriting and let you know how it goes. Thanks for letting me rant!
Oh, and people who can sit down with a guitar, strum and write a line, then strum again and write another line,  and then all of a sudden you have this beautiful music with beautiful lyrics- You are great people with great talent, and I admire that so much.
Wish me luck. and lyrics.

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