Tuesday, May 25, 2010

holding us back

So I am sitting here right now, all alone, drinking my cup of tea and daydreaming while I should probably be doing other things that may or may not have an effect on my life,
but daydreaming is important to me.
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about my photography. Due to the fact that people have been incredibly supportive and overwhelmingly enthusiastic about my great leaps forward into the world with my camera, I'm actually starting to grasp at the idea of doing this for the rest of my life.
The rest of my life.
I have it to do so many things. I can do anything, but I will choose to do things of importance.
I will choose to change lives and be irrepressibly happy and spend time in the company of those who make me laugh until my sides hurt and tears are squeezed out of my eyes.
I will live big. Heck, I will become an actress and when I get to Hollywood and the first message I will send is to be happy with yourself.
I will be, every kind of happy. Every kind of beautiful. Every kind of imperfect.
Because what good is a life that hasn't been lived?
I will love when it hurts.
I will make the most out of my life on earth- but allow for days where I do absolutely nothing at all.
I will change peoples lives for the better- but change myself when needed.
I will dream as big as the sky- but keep my feet planted firmly on the ground.
I will shake hands with people I've admired and look at them with nothing but respect, because at the end of the day we are nothing but humans looking to reach the same ultimate goal.
Life. I am ready.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled across this. I'm at that same point in my life. And it described what i've been thinking about perfectly. :)
