Thursday, July 1, 2010

imma be

i feel like this is a good time to pause and fill you in.
so a few weeks ago, this beautiful, ornate envelope arrived in our mailbox bearing my name. puzzled? me too.
said-envelope was apparently coming from government house in halifax.
and the first words that appeared when i slid the enclosed letter out of the envelope were:

"In the presence of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Phillip).."

um, as far as i got.
so last week, I ended up at the ceremony where government house was rededicated to the Queen. let me explain here and say that i became fairly well known to her Honor MayAnn Francis last summer.
anyways, so there we stood in the pouring rain..
the Queen gets out of the car, followed by his Highness
and they begin walking down the cobblestone-esque path that was the entrance to government house..
and it hit me that there was a red rope cutting us off
but I was directly at the front. as she made her way closer,
I realized the Queen herself was going to be within two feet of me.
*insert ridiculously goofy smile and grateful tears*
so she finally made her way to me. she turned and smiled at me.
it lit up my whole life.
then his Highness passed and smiled as well.
it was just a beautiful moment.
and i am a very, very lucky girl, this i know.
and may i add that her Majesty is so, so beautiful and her complexion is so much like porcelain that i wanted to cry (and was admittedly quite jealous).
so that was my day.
the Queen smiled at me.
it was a beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. You bring the coolest situations, things and people into your life, miss haley......
