Wednesday, January 6, 2010

back in black.

blog followers!
it's been a while, and i've missed you.
i've missed ranting to you until er, my fingers were blue. (as opposed to "blue in the face")
therefore you can probably guess i have alot to say.

first off, i hope everyone had some rockin' holidays (i know i did)
and i'd like to start off by making a shout out to new years -
this year, like all others, i did not make any new years resolutions.
the reason for this is that a long time ago, i promised myself that rather than taking a specific day when the year changes over to make a list of things i promise to do for the upcoming year,
i'd make them every day that i seen fit, in order to improve my year all the time.
but my big goal for this year is all about big thinking.
thinking positive, thinking happy, and thinking about the impossible
and it appears thoughts ARE powerful, because lately it seems this topic is popping up everywhere!
Am I sending things out into the universe? Très interessant..

I'd like to mention that one of my first resolutions was to spend more time
doing things that make me happy. (i.e. the immediate family jam session reinforced by yours truly)
Therefore, you should expect many pictures to overflow my blog soon. Yay!

Time is running short
So I will also vow to update this thing more often,
even when busy!
All my love, y'awl.


ps. did i mention i have twitter? what is the world coming to!.. it's actually kind of great.

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