Tuesday, September 21, 2010

my bear

its strange being a girl with a dog again.
and hes not even technically mine. we are just puppy sitting
he is my pup, my bear, and his name is camo-
but i wake up every morning to him running in my room and jumping on top of me-
possibly the worlds most effective alarm clock
i fall asleep every night to him curled into my side snoring softly with little puppy hums
and i spend my days throwing a ball and being jumped on and smothered in love.
we run on the beach and explore the back woods and he accompanies me faithfully on
every photoshoot.
i've learned that he hates the camera, he will slide his way onto the couch no matter how many times i insist no, he crosses his paws after a long day of running after the ball.. and most recently, he loves apples. literally, loves them. 
so, its strange being a girl with a dog again. but its oddly comforting and i've realized how much i've missed it. he is the best company, the best friend, and unbelievably loyal.
i don't know how i'm going to say goodbye. 
its going to be even stranger being a girl without a dog again.

1 comment:

  1. It'll be just as hard to be a dog without a girl I bet......
