Wednesday, February 17, 2010

snow day resolution.

so a long time ago I decided I wanted to get a tattoo- if a worthwhile concept came up.
one rainy day, sitting in my adorable little building at work (IVC), I was admiring a tree in the front of the yard down at the main office. it reminded me SO much of my tree back in our yard home (which I practically grew up IN). our tree, from the front, looks like the tree of life a-la-apple-tree. its this gnarled, double trunk, massive thing that is so beautiful as a silhouette in the sunsets on summer nights. heck, its beautiful all the time.
anyways it's my favorite tree in the world, and i've always had a thing for trees.
i think they represent a lot of things (such as our roots, no pun intended)
and then the lightbulb went off. what are our roots? our family. our beautiful, slightly crazy but lovable kin.

thus, the tree tattoo came into existence. I imagined this gorgeous, full blossomed tree full of leaves. then I realized trees start out puny and THEN grow into something beautiful. I realized, of course, if I invested in a puny little tree on my back it wasn't going to magically grow.

so what if instead of it being small, I started OUT small.
the final tree concept:

*the roots, represent everything that ties me to the earth. (ie. home, and family) things I don't want to lose, but are so tightly bound to me I couldn't lose them even if I wanted to. being permanently etched on my back reminds me that even if I lose sight of these things they are ALWAYS there. .
*the leaves are my favorite part. I'm starting with 5. they each represent someone who means something to me/has played a huge role in my life. at the end of my life, I want a fully blossomed tree. this ties in with my issue of wanting to represent change/growing up.
*the "heart branches", if you look very closely, on the left side, there are two branches that faintly resemble hearts. or, the love of my family/friends.
*the tree itself is the tree of life. my life. my beautiful, blessed life.
*the two leaves at the very top are for my parents, who by all means, i owe everything to. I know a lot of kids or teenagers or even adults don't get along with their parents, and I also know people who don't even have parents anymore. I happen to have an amazing relationship with them, and I know it has defined everything about me. no, they haven't MADE me who I am, but they have made it possible for me to be who I am. therefore, they are the top priority in my life. I love you guys. Thank you just doesn't say it. (So i'm getting you imprinted into my skin.. kidding mom, breathe) did I mention they follow my blog? ♥
*the star in the top right corner, represents me (in a very non-vain way), its just my second-to-trees obsession has always been the sky. and like they say, the skies the limit and touch the stars. I plan to be right up there with them- and even if I'm not, I get to watch over my family AND in their eyes- I already am.

This is it folks.
I think the look of the tree itself is very musical.
which is my second biggest influence
coming from my gigantic musical family.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I seriously considered a tree tattoo of my own, but wound up with my beloved knot instead. I've been kicking around the idea of expanding on it though, and one idea I have is to get a tree made of knotwork, with the roots or the branches wrapping around my existing tattoo.

