Monday, February 8, 2010

your hand in mine.

i have been walking this earth for a total of seventeen years.
in the grand scheme of things, that isn't a whole lot. in the grand scheme of things- i am a tiny grain of sand in a swiftly moving ocean.
but if we narrow it down, really look at things and take the time to consider it- i am a huge part of this life. while i may not be capable of influencing the whole world, i am capable of making someone smile. i am capable of loving, and making memories, and capturing someone entirely in a still life, and changing my life for the better. if we all thought we were able to do bigger and better things- maybe we would. if we all had the consistent faith that while life changes, maybe we can remain solid with two feet on the ground. maybe without knowing it, we are changing someones lives- maybe we will. while this may not be good enough, you make shake this off your shoulders and walk away without further thought- maybe one day you'll look back and wonder if you could have. if we all thought with unselfish hearts, we all might not be hypocrites. we might all see with amazement and the small things- well they may not be so small after all.
in the end, we DON'T have the power to change the whole world, because we are all different. we all have different values, and morals, and life goals that don't correspond. but we are capable of changing who WE are. and that, makes all the difference in the world. to one person, to everybody.
you are somebody.
you matter. you will always matter.
make it count.


  1. Hails, you are absolutly amazing at what you do kiddo.. and I know you already know this but I feel like I should keep reminding you. As silly as it sounds, your blogs can sometimes make one of my crappy days turn into a good day :) keep it up doll.

  2. Hails, your writing has the ability to not only speak to people, but inspire, create, feel and express. Don't lose it. You've got a spark. And don't let anyone make you think otherwise.

  3. Thank you both so much,
    even for taking the time to read my blog.

    to the second person,
    wow. I don't think I can thank you enough.
